
LIFE GREEN ADAPT will foster collaboration and knowledge sharing with other relevant LIFE and R&D projects working on development and implementation of nature-based solutions (blue and green infrastructures, known as BGI) to increase infrastructure resilience to climate change.

Networking with other relevant projects will contribute to the uptake and replication of LIFE GREEN ADAPT results.

LIFE GREEN ADAPT collaboration with UNESCO Chair on Sustainability (UNESCO-SOST) ( will increase transfer and share of relevant knowledge, lessons learnt and good practice to a global extent.

LIFE Projects

LIFE WATERCOOL Water efficient systemic concept for the climate change adaptation in urban areas (Project start: 2019/ end: 2023)

Main topic: Water infrastructure – climate change adaptation

LIFE CRITICAL Climate Resilience Thru Involvement of LoCAL citizens (Project start: 2019/ end: 2025) 

Main topic: Blue-green infrastructures (BGI) – adaptation to climate change

LIFE-CLIMCOOP  Cooperation of cities and local companies for climate change adaptation (Project start: 2020/ end: 2022) 

Main topic: Green infrastructure water management – adaptation to climate change

LIFE EnCAM  Adapting large-scale environmental projects to climate change while supporting climate objectives (Project start: 2021/ end: 2025)

Main topic: Climate change adaptation

Other R&D projects

NATURVATION  NATure-based URban innovation (Project start: 2017/ end: 2021)

Main topic: Nature-based solutions – urban sustainability challenges

UNaLab  Urban Nature Labs (Project start: 2017/ end: 2022) 

Main topic: Nature-based solutions – urban sustainability – climate and water resilience of cities

URBAN GreenUP  New Strategy for Re-Naturing Cities through Nature-Based Solutions (Project start: 2017/ end: 2022)

Main topic: Nature-based solutions – climate and water resilience of cities

CASCADES CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies (Project start: 2019/ end: 2023) 

Main topic: Climate change risk & impacts