LIFE GREEN ADAPT aims to increase the resilience of EU waste infrastructures (focused on landfills as potential source of severe pollution episodes when impacted by extreme events) against Climate Change by demonstrating blue-green infrastructures (BGI) and ecosystem-based approaches potential. LIFE GREEN ADAPT will demonstrate BGI ability to manage flush flooding and run-off caused by heavy rainfall and prevent fires and explosions caused by droughts and unusual heatwaves.

To demonstrate an innovative and widely replicable approach based on the use of BGI
At XILOGA landfill site (As Somozas, Spain) to increase resilience, and intrinsically landfills climate adaptation capacity, through implementing bio-technosoils and a combination of innovative large-scale treatment wetlands (TW) for new or retrofitted infrastructures.

To reduce the risk of landfill landslides associated with floods and extreme rainfall events (due to climate change)
By soil stabilization and amendment in a circular approach by using bio- technosoils formulated with landfill waste.

To efficiently manage new green areas by reducing water consumption and storm water runoff
Due to the increased retention and infiltration capacity of these new green areas (as landfill covers).

To store and treat the landfill leachate and the temporarily contaminated run-off water using treatment wetlands (TW)
The treated water will be reused to irrigate the landfill and to mitigate and cope the effects of high temperatures preventing fires or explosions in a landfill to reach a zero-rainwater waste infrastructure highly resistant to flooding.

To avoid the external treatment of polluted run-off waters
Enabling not only water reuse, but a controlled discharge (treated water will exceed the landfill demand) into natural waters reducing droughts effects in water scarce regions.

To improve the knowledge base for the development, assessment and monitoring of adaptation actions at the landfill level
By providing a common methodology approach suited for 4 EU climate risk areas (Atlantic, Continental, Mountain and Mediterranean regions).